We’ve been working hard to prepare the new Flontech web site and it is now on-line (www.flontech.com) ! As everybody knows, Flontech is the compounding division of Guarniflon, offering top quality PTFE, PEEK and fluorinated thermoplastics raw materials.
Not only the graphic aspect has been drastically improved but also all contents have been updated according to the new technologies and products now available at Flontech. Have a look at the “products” page, where technical detailed information about fluorinated thermoplastics, PTFE and PEEK products are duly presented and explained. Flontech laboratory is also well introduced, with all performable laboratory tests divided into 6 families of typical analysis daily performed at Flontech. We do hope you’ll find the new web site useful and in case of any comment, enquiry, suggestion please don’t hesitate to contact us.