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It’s a semi-crystalline fully-fluorinated melt processable fluoropolymer which offer the highest temperature rating and broadest chemical resistance of all melt processable fluoropolymers. It is an ideal choice for extreme thermal and chemical environments.
MFA exhibits the outstanding thermal behaviour and chemical resistance found in PTFE, PFA and FEP. In addition, parts made with MFA have been shown to have smooth fi nished surfaces. This makes MFA a good candidate for the semiconductor, electronics and biologic applications.
Physical - Mechanical
Densityg/cm3ASTM D7922.12 - 2.17
Hardness Shore DpointsASTM D224055 - 60
Tensile strengthN/mm2ISO 527 v = 50mm/min microtensile die≥ 25
Elongation at break%ISO 527 v = 50mm/min microtensile die≥ 300
Flexural ModulusN/mm2ASTM D790600
Melting point°C/280 - 290
Thermal expansion coefficient (linear) 25 - 100°C10-5 (mm/mm)/°CASTM D69612 - 20
Service Temperature°C/-200 / +205
Thermal conductivityW/mKASTM D1770.24
Dielectric strengthKV/mmASTM D14930 - 40